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Cha Am Day #2.5 – Identifying stress. Eliminating it

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On of the things I realized a long time ago was that *I* am that cause of many of my problems. Not all of them but, many. That goes for stress in general. The good news there, as I see it, is that *I* can also be the one who assists in fixing that problem. I can go somewhere else. I can be with or around different people or circumstances. Its simple… but not always easy. For me to get to the point where I was able to live where I am living now and NOT stress out, I needed to prepare and have a plan. A lot of the experiences I’ve had up to this point helped me Identify stressers. Some of which I was in denial about.
Well, these early morning, sunrise walks I’ve been taking here in Cha-Am are turning out to be a great solution to my stress, be it self-induced or otherwise.
So far, so good.
Thanks for joining me in the journey.
Live the Dream!

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