[LIVE]stream My Ass Off with ROB – How OPEN Is Thailand when You’re Not Here?… YET!!!

Check out the latest video: [LIVE]stream My Ass Off with ROB – How OPEN Is Thailand when You’re Not Here?… YET!!! https://youtu.be/1IjGFnJKlTA

sponsored by AMAZ!NG Global Consultancy
Rob (the 20 Seconds In Thailand Guy) and I (the 20 HOURS in Thailand Live Stream Guy) are going to hang out and chat about our same and different and contrasting experiences between Bangkok (my present location) and where he has lived for many years, Phuket Thailand. ..:: SET A REMINDER!!! Join Us ::..
9am Bangkok / 10am Boracay // 12noon Brisbane // 7pm Beverly Hills / 10pm Boston.
Stoked to hear from the SQUIRRELS and Welcome Everyone to the COOL KIDS TABLE!!!
Chat soon!
Live the Dream!!

*** Agoda Options in Bangkok: https://dude.ly/bkkagoda

*** Hotel options in Phuket: https://dude.ly/hktagoda

** For all my international money transfers, I use TransferWise and to get money from USA to Thailand and it LITERALLY only took 6 seconds. Blew me away!!**
Sign up for TransferWise here: http://dude.ly/transferwise

—– How To Support LIVE MY ASS OFF —-
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( https://lmao.ltd/pay )

*** To do a Multiperson LiveStream, easily from w/in your browser, I highly recommend STREAMYARD. Click here for more info: http://dude.ly/streamyard

*** To Live Stream to Multiple Platforms for FREE and get OVER 60% Off your first month, try RESTREAM: http://dude.ly/restream — its what I have been using for almost ALL my Live Streams and I love it!

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