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Why I Chose Thailand – part 1 …of likely a few

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I wanted to start a series of videos of why I ended up moving to Thailand. Not just vacationing but actually doing what only a few folks Actually Do: quite their jobs, sell everything, pack up their “stuff” into 3 suitcases and head across the Pacific Ocean via a one-way ticket and LIVE in Thailand.
It has been something I started thinking about since my first trip back in 2012. Well, to be fair, it was really only a fantasy at first. Much like the first time I went on any tropical/exotic exploration: “WOW! I want to move here and spend the rest of my life “on vacation”… sure… who wouldn’t?
Well, after about 2 years to thinking about it and another 3-4 years of real planning, here I am.
BUT, why?
Why Thailand?
What about it did for ME? What does it for other folks?
What did it for you?
What *will* do it for you?
Maybe Thailand is Not your thing. What is your “Thailand”?
Do you have a plan? Or just a dream?
Dreams are Awesome. The are necessary! Have them! I encourage you to execute on them. In my experience(s) the benefits have always outweighed the risks – provided there was some degree of planning.
There is always some degree of risk.
There is always some degree of excitement.
There is not always tomorrow.
This is NOT a dress rehearsal.
Do LIfe NOW.
Live the Dream. If you’re not, You’re doing it wrong!

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