Great Advice on the Philippines

There are a ton of guys (and a few gals) that have YouTube channels and videos dedicated to moving to and living in the Philippines. One of the guys that I started following a few years ago, Reekay Valdez has hundreds of Videos he’s made and they are truly a single point of success for you if you’d like to learn how to move to the Philippines.

As many of you know, I started this website and accompanying YouTube channel to share some of my experiences, wins, losses, and lessons learned along the way.  I’ve traveled to Thailand several times but only been to the Philippines once.2015-12-28 15.43.03

While it was a great 4 weeks of vacation from the job I’m honored to have at the University of San Diego there is still a TON for me to learn and share.

The cool thing about Reekay’s videos is he’s also made them into MP3/PodCast-like snippets.

I had a buddy ask me soooo many questions lately about Thailand and the Philippines so I figured it was clearly time for me to out some new posts together, get my ass busy with the SJCAM (GoPro-ish camera) and upload some stories about my travels in those countries.  So, that’s coming! I promise.

But, for now, I just wanted to share Reekay’s new site about the Philippines.  Honestly, the reason I’m sharing this is up until now, I didn’t have an answer to my friends’ questions: “Yeh, but is there something i can listen to in the car on my way to/from work…??

This is a great way to learn about the Philippines before (or many times after) your first trip over there.  It truly is a magical place: beautiful beaches, beautiful people and *everything* is cheap!!!  I dig it big time.  So, if you have questions on dating in the Philippines or doing banking in the Philippines or want to get some info on how the culture over there is different than that of the US and how to adjust to that; I’d totally recommend you check out Reekay’s website

So, enjoy the multitude of suggestions and learning moments of my friend Reekay and until next time:  Live the Dream!… cuz if you’re not, you’re doing it wrong!

Reekay’s blog site:

Reekay’s YouTube Channel:

ciao,   ~mikes

0 thoughts on “Great Advice on the Philippines

  1. well …. I will make my first trip to the Philippines very soon before the typhoon season …. ready to enjoy life there. 🙂

    • Awesome Tavo, I’m sure you will enjoy it! My experience is that its magical on many levels… and compared to the cost of living in Southern California, MUCH cheaper 🙂 Live the Dream!