Why Thailand? (part 6) Chatuchak Park: Stop and Smell the Roses and Feed the Squirrels in Bangkok

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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKWWINoIjZk&w=480&h=270]

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In a previous Video ( link here: https://youtu.be/kE6kUrBHX6Y ) I checked out Chatuchak Park; for the first time actually. Indeed it was a treat.
And as I was walking around, the guy, likely in his 20’s or 30’s was feeding the squirrels. Now, for sure, saying “I saw some guy in {the park} feeding the squirrels” (or birds, or fish or ducks.. maybe) isn’t completely odd. BUT, what I noticed was that FOR ME, since having moved to Thailand *as well as* having changing my life/lifestyle (i.e. I don’t have the standard “full-time job” or “9 to 5” as many people will call it) I find myself a LOT more open to “stopping to smell the roses”. I think Thailand in general is a catalyst for that.
Now, I suppose you could respond to this with, “Well, DUH, mikes” if we were still living at the beach in Cha-Am and my “walk to work” involved walking 1 block to the beach to do for a walk along the beach to walk a video. BUT I’m up here in Bangkok. Where we’ve been for about 6 weeks. In fact, as of this video, I will have been here about 50 days.
We are now in our “permanent” location in Bangkok. Meaning: we have a 1 year lease on a Condo and have fully unpacked. While we will still travel quite a bit throughout Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam, we now have a “base of operations” and can plan or Not Plan to do anything. I’m reeeeeeally loving my life today AND its not costing me a ton of money. While the whole “retire in Thailand on $1000/month” was NEVER one of my goals I’m living VERY comfortably for about $2000/month.
And, compared to the Very Upper Middle Class neighborhoods I have been blessed to live in in my life in America, I can definitely say that for $3000/month I could indeed live like “a King” here in Thailand. Again, like everything, its relative… my Kingdom likely differs from yours. And I’m more than happy to live like a second Prince – so far it just gives me One More Reason for: WHY THAILAND!!!!?? Cuz it provides me with an environment that seems to act as a catalyst for Stopping and Smelling the Roses.
And I love that.
Thanks for watching!
Live the Dream!