I just Shipped my Glasses…

I switched to contact lenses a few years ago simply because the last time I went to get prescription sunglasses they were $750.  Faaaaaawwwk That!.


So far, so good with the contact lenses BUT I came across an eye glass company with a pretty sweet solution to ‘try before you buy’.    The company is called Warby Parker and it was founded by an entrepreneur I respect and follow, Jeff Raider.  You may or may not know Jeff.  He’s the founder of the wildly successful Harry’s  Shaving Products for men.

Check it out.
Live the Dream!


When in doubt: “do Buddha”

I woke up around 5am today and after a bit of a mental check in with my higher power (more discussion/blogging/vlogging on that in another post For SURE) I checked my phone.

A friend of mine sent me a message: “I go do Buddha for about 3 days… I stay at temple now”

Clearing the mind... and still being a bit goofy.

Clearing the mind… and still being a bit goofy.

If you aren’t familiar with the Thai culture (and I am only a novice) “do Buddha” means the person is going to go to a Thai Buddhist temple and stay there (day and night) for prayer, reflection, meditation, chanting, and quiet time.  Sure, there is a bit of work that also happens sometimes but for the most part this is a time for prayer, to clear the mind, and also Get some clarity on what to do.  Many Thais I speak with wish they could spend a LOT longer at temple “doing Buddha” but there is a conflicting battle with doing this and needing to provide for their family: for Mama, Papa, and children.

I often wonder, What is my “Buddha”?  What’s your “Buddha”?

I know that I love going back home to where I grew up: Hingham, Massachusetts.  Provided its in the summer and its WARM! 🙂

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7ClZpqOuVI?rel=0]

So, I guess, while I do not claim to be as spiritually centered as my Thai friends…


I definitely seek out a place that is comfortable and allows me to get quiet, reflect AND look to toward the future.  I hope you’re join me an learn with me as the discovery of awesome continues!

Let’s do this!


Aaaand it begins. Start by walking.

Welcome to LiveMyAssOff.com  This site is as much about me Living the Dream as it is about YOU!
I’ve often thought that it would be great to have a place to share stuff that I am doing, ideally adding value to your life, and I would also love it if you’d share your experience, strength, hope and successes!

That way, we can all, live our asses off!

I’m hoping that by starting this site it will help me to articulate and journal in a simple format (theme) all the gratitude I have for being able to wake up in the morning (or whenever) and life One More Day.

We all know of people who are seemingly healthy and then one day, BLAM, they “lose the lottery” and get doused over the head with a big bucket of lame sauce (e.g. { insert bad news here }

I have certainly had to drink a few tall glasses of “sit the F*** down” to wash down my “shut the F*** up” sandwich.  But through all life’s imperfections, I believe that having a focus on a positive solution and then being able to make some type of gratitude list really helps me keep on walking… some refer to it as trudging the road to happy destiny.  Fine.  Call it whatever  you want.  Bottom line for me is I am VERY GRATEFUL for every day I get one more day.

Life is NOT a dress-rehearsal so, along the way, why *not*, Live My Ass Off!

Lets Do This!

…stay tuned!