Friday is *THAI*day. Thailand 4.0 discussions

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I have a love for so many things in Thailand. Indeed that started out as a tourist during my first trip there in 2013 however, in that last 2 years, as I learn more about the economy of Thailand, I have taken a real interest in the technology there.

Thailand 4.0 is a country-wide initiative to benefit the Entire country; benefiting the citizens of Thailand as well as make Thailand of more value to the entire world.

I’ll start talking about my experience with Thailand 4.0 as well as try to give updates every week on Fridays. Hope you enjoy.

Some Thailand 4.0 summaries:
The Basics:


An American in Bangkok:

Schengen Visa: USD to TJ on San Diego Trolley

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I think I mentioned in a previous video that Gracie and I am going to be getting here a Schengen Visa. With the goal of her being able to travel with me and certainly for us to spend more time together. One of the desired outcomes of that will be that she could then come to Mexico for up to 180 days as a tourist, stay in a city fairly close to San Diego, and then we could each other MUCH more frequently.
Expanding upon that idea I wanted to see what it would take for me to travel from USD to Mexico, as if I were to make the my “commute”. This first trial run is on the San Diego Trolley (MTS).
I’ll take you along with me from the second I leave my office to the second that I walk off the train in San Ysidro.
From that point, I would need to simply walk across the border into Mexico and take a taxi to wherever we end up thinking would be a cool place to stay.

So join me. Hope you enjoy.
Thanks for watching.

Leaving Alibaba’s Gateway ’17 in DTW: CLEAR!!! Even better than TSA-Pre. Love it!!!

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On my way out of the Detroit Airport I learn about CLEAR.
CLEAR is this new way through the security line at major airports.
Naturally, you need to pay for this service AND you need to have them scan your fingerprints… on all 10 fingers, as well as do a retinal scan (not joking). Then the next time you are about to go through the line at security and get on your flight, you go through the *CLEAR* line. You are escorted through, provide your boarding pass and your 2 right fingers and look at a little camera and BLAM – through security! No ID needed, just your fingers and to look at a red dot!??? DONE!!! Love it!

I’ll be heading to Las Vegas to another conference so I will report on how that experience was.
To be fair, the TSA-Pre line is usually VERY quick, HOWEVER, lately I’ve seen whole families buying it… with strollers. The original ideal behing TSA-pre was that you were a bit more of a seasoned traveler, then with the added security checks from TSA it was determined that your baggage could be trusted more so less screening and a faster walk through the detectors. Indeed it worked out great, until all the airlines were able to realize an additional revenue stream from it. Now, if you want to get through quicker just pay $50, or $75, or $100.. depends upon airline, class of ticket, as well as airport location.
Now, obviously, that is all I am doing with this CLEAR thing BUT for ~$150 a year, its worth it for me… There have been security lines where I would pay like $150 *that day* just to get through security faster. Not very frequent but it happens enough.
If you have interest and want to sign up, click the link below. It will get YOU 2 months free and me as well. The first 30 days are a free trial so this just doubles that and costs you nothing.

Enjoy your travels! Always, All Ways!


San Jose del Cabo (part 9) Great Breakfast. Great Customer Service… in MANY countries

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I don’t think anyone ever turns away at receiving GREAT customer service BUT I have has such great customer service lately from AIrlines (Southwest), restaurants, taxi service (Super Shuttle), etc. and many times its via Facebook Messenger that I have been receiving the best service. I LOVE this as it removes the “on-hold” experience so negatively associated with calling customer service.