winning “the lottery”

Ok, so, you’ve just read the title of this blog.  What the hell does “Lottery” mean to

I  know when I made less than $30,000 per year I thought, MAN, if I could only make $50,000 one day, that would be sweet.  It would be soooo much money I’d be set!


When I  graduated in 1995 with my bachelors I was only making $8/hour as a part-time over-night & fill-in DJ dj12SRon a local San Diego radio station, 92.5 The Flash at the time… Magic 92.5 now.  And I had an internship as the radio station’s second engineer, read as: I worked for the chief engineer for FREE so I could learn what radio engineers do; short answer: you do everything from toilets to transmitters.

But, since I was about 13 years old, it was my dream… My Fantasy… to be a DJ at a top-25-market radio station AND be a Radio Engineer.  Well in 1996: Mission Accomplished!!!
At that same time, I landed a full-time gig as a radio engineer making $24,000/year!

I Had “Won the Lottery”… well maybe not financially but certainly emotionally.

Was I lucky?  Was it what I deserved because I worked my ASS off to get a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering?  Or was it simply because I was a member of the Lucky Sperm Club (i.e. I was lucky enough to be born in the USA, to wonderful parents)


I believe in working HARD.  I really like the feeling of accomplishment I get after a “job well done”.  I also Never look a gift-horse in the month so anything that I am simply lucky enough to have, I rarely take for granted and if possible, I like to share.

Some things I can share:  My knowledge, my smile, my experience(s), my time, my talent, my treasure… etc… my videos… my perspective…

Some things I CANNOT share:  My liver. my passport, my sobriety… etc…

I was walking down the beach the other day and it really hit me that *I* am THE LUCKIEST guy in the world.  I hope you feel the same about yourself.  I hope you are able to focus on the positive and see all the blessings your are lucky enough to have.

If the only kind of luck you feel like you have is Bad Luck then I invite you to CHANGE THAT! Start Now!  Do something about it…

What ONE THING could you do today to improve your situation??  Just one thing.  If all you can do is think about some poor guy or gal that his it worse off than you… well… fine.  Let that be the one thing.  Maybe you need to see a girl in a wheelchair with no legs to be grateful for your legs.  Fine. Start there!  Next, think about the other things you are grateful for without having to compare yourself or your life situation with someone else who *doesn’t* get to have something they probably should.  Dig?

Go Look In The Mirror.epic


The “lottery” you just won is that you are reading this blog.  At a minimum, that means you GOT to wake up and somehow get to the Internet.  I bet you can do ANYTHING you want… *IF* you want it bad enough.

once again, I *do* hope you’re Living the Dream.  If you’re not, you’re doing it wrong!  DO Something About it!

Now, go Live YOUR Ass Off!
Please check out my YouTube Channel. Like, Subscribe, Share.  BLAM!


Shiny Red Ball Syndrome

I am not on medication for ADHD.  I do NOT want to take anything to squelch some behavior that someone who is boring, a careful linear thinker, or justifiably organized says FOCUSwill “keep me from being all over the place”…

“Mikes!!! You need to FOCUS!!!”

F*&$ you.
You *wish* you were me!
I entertain you!

**tangent alert** I just had 5 other thoughts about other shit I “need” to get done while I typed the previous two lines.  BLAM!  I also just took time out to smile at 2 of the 3 girls that then returned my smile as I caught them staring at my epicly loud Robert Graham shirt that I’m wearing.

ok. back to “normal people” trying to harsh my neurons.  This is like the introverts I know wanting me to be more like them.  The good news is I don’t get that judgement from Introverts.  I find that introverts LOVE watching us Extroverts.  HEY INTROVERTS!!! you know who you are; you follow me on Facebook, occasionally clicking Like.  and by occasionally, I mean, like bi-annually… If I’m lucky, you will post a 2 to 5 word comment about once a year.  like “You are hilarious”.  I wish I knew who you all were… but, I suppose there’s only so much time to hug everyone (deep sigh… tears..)

I *adore* introverts.  I’m honored that my life and Living My Ass Off behavior provides the catalyst for you to use the phrase, “live vicariously though you” in your conversations, posts or shares 🙂

You are the Ying to my Yang.  YOU are THE reason I can be successful.  You are the BEST kind of treasurer for the organizations that I’m honored to lead.  You save Me from  financial bankruptcy.  I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

Introverts are CRITICAL to my existence.  If it weren’t for you, my fragile ego would have no audience.  hahaha!

I prefer to refer to my (possible) ADHD as “Shiny Red Ball Syndrome“. shinyRedBall

I get moments of distraction BUT I get many MORE moments (sometimes hours) of exciting new projects and tons of creative problem-solving solutions.  I’m a walking super computer that squirts out gallons of awesome sauce!  Just Ask ME!!!!!   LMAO (here its Laugh My Ass Off).

…I’m basically just screwing around here with an emotional Vita-mix of HUMOR, sarcasm, cynicism, and an additional shot of protein… you gotta have protein !! (snicker).

I have so many thoughts throughout the day that I keep a notepad in my car, a notepad on my nightstand, I have Evernote installed on every single electronic device I own.  I jot stuff down, I make lists, I make sub-lists, I review these lists (traditionally on weekends) then I cross things out.  Frequently as I am crossing something out, proud of myself for completing something, I will think or remember something else that I forgot to do or write down from before.

When Facebook first started I thought, “Meh, this is kinda neat but am I ever going to do anything with this!!???”

now, to be fair, when I signed up for Facebook you could only register if you had an email from a college or university (i.e. it ended in *.edu) and for the most part it was just for undergraduate students.  in fact, the choices for profile type were “Student” or “Staff” at the time… I know, I’m freaking old in comparison to Facebook, right?

anyway, within about 2 weeks I started posting a little bit… fast-forward to today and I think that for a guy like me with Shiny Red Ball Syndrome, its one of the best things ever!  I can simply whip open the Facebook app and share the random (ideally appropriately inappropriate) thought on my wall and BLAM! I can now move on, traditionally forgetting what I just posted, and then go on to discover my next Shiny Red Ball.

I find that they creative process for me involves a BUNCH of emotion but also at least some logic… its the Engineer in me… and from that seem to come so many opportunities for exploration.  I want to share what I’ve been doing and hopefully make you laugh along the way.  As this blog grows and gets better (I’ve still got a LOT of work to do there) I know that the content will at least make you smile once a week.  If I can do that, I feel like I can live at least one more day…  aaaaand away we go!

I’ve been able to really get over some fears of “what if”…  I love the acronym for FEAR I’ve heard which is False Evidence Appearing Real (F.E.A.R)… INDEED!!  all the stuff that I thought *might* happen or might kill me.  well… it never did.  Having Shiny Red Ball Syndrome helps with that.  I’ve heard my behavior described before as “Ready, Fire, Aim”.  Traditionally by some lame project manager.  When I truly embrace my SRBS then I am So Read Before Someone else!  HA!…

I think the point to all of this is no matter WHAT defect or character someone else might judge you with, realize there IS a reason why the Universe programmed you with this trait.  Embrace your Shiny Red Ball (Schwetty Balls?) and go DO SOMETHING signiifcant and for Gawd Sake, Have. Some. FUN!shinyRedHug

… can any of your relate!?  If so, I want to hang out with you and Brain Storm.  HAH!  more accurately, it will probably be a Brain Tsunami!!! 🙂

well, if you CAN relate, please, ping me –
I’ll buy you a smoothie!

Shoot me an email anytime and I’ll make sure we get together… somewhere, somehow!

Until be meet again!  Live the Dream!  If  you’re not, you’re doing it wrong!

I’m off to Live My Ass Off.. wish me luck~!


a GOOD cry. …thanks Thailand!

I absolutely just HAD to share this YouTube link.  it is a series of heart-wrenching Thai Ads.
I’ve posted this several places with a description:

“its not If or When you’ll cry, its how many times!”

I invite you to take a few minutes and watch it to possibly add to your perspective of “helping others”


Now, I also fully acknowledge that these are Ads that are designed to manipulate you by appealing to your human side… the Ad company’s fantasy is that  you walk away thinking:

“OH MY GAWD, that was soooooo touching… I should totally buy some MetLife insurance and get TrUE for my cell carrier!!! Now!!!”

yeh, I get that.  I was in radio and TV for over 20 years so trust me I KNOW that you use TWO things to sell:  Sex and Emotional manipulation (e.g. tears or humor).  It sells.  Try and ignore that part and just view it with an open mind.

I dig a good cry.  Hope you do too.

Live the Dream!


a “good tired” = accomplishment

I’m sure you’ve heard someone reply to the ever popular greeting,
“How u doin?” with,
“tired.. but it’s a Good Tired”

I was thinking about what makes me respond this way AND why or how the hell that relates to Live My Ass Off.  For me I think I get to that point after I feel like I’ve don-t-keep-calm-and-drive-fastWorked (a.k.a. Lived) My Ass Off.  I have been judged with,
“you work too much”… while at the same time
“Dude!, you are freakin awesome” — based upon very favorable results or outcome.  My goal is to exceed expectations.  I like to Live my life at 110% @ 80 mph.  A mentor of mine refers to his version as “9 grand, hair on fire!”
F*%@# YEAH!

But maybe a more important thing to ask myself is WHY did I work (a.k.a. play for money) to this level of possible exhaustion?  Unpacking this a bit more, I then ask myself,
“What motivated me to do this??..” furthermore – trying to be proactive –
“What will motivate me, in the future, to fully engage in some similar behavior or task with such commitment and intensity?”… especially if/when I might NOT be motivated?

Aaaand going a bit further What Motivates Me?  How do I stay motivated? For this post I’m going to focus mainly on how I stay motivated and use another post to discuss getting motivated.
Well, because, while I acknowledge that LACK of motivation is a killer and simply stops most people in their tracks, never even getting to “Step 1”, I think that I need to get clear and acknowledge the tool(s) I use to STAY MOTIVATED and on the path to AmazeBalls.

Again, Lack of Motivation for whatever reason (mainly rooted in Fear, in my belief)  is definitely a show stopper BUT I think its easier for me (maybe you too) to identify or reflect on times when I’ve  “quit”… “Quitting” involves starting, at least a little bit.

For example, I understand all too well what it means for someone to Relapse from a successful (be it long or short) period of time clean and sober from drugs and alcohol.  BUT to RE-Lapse, you had to first Lapse at some point, right!?

I’ve heard it said, that “Quitting is Easy.. it’s staying quit that is the real bitch!!”  Ok. Maybe so. This is one of those “your mileage may vary” scenarios BUT lets say we buy it… HOW do I stay the course??

I don’t want to just Live My Ass Off for a couple of hours, or a few days, or a weekend, or a holiday break… I want it ALL the time… and I want it “my way”  (more on that on my post about Only Child Syndrome (HA!).  It’s like I’ve always said about cocaine shortly after quitting. “If I could use cocaine normally, I’d use it everyday, all day long…”  yeh, there inlies the rub.  You see the irony I’m sure.

OK so, here’s the simple solution I’ve found to have wild success with sticking with it.  Have an Accountability Partner. Have a *true* friend.  My definition of Friend is a person who I love and care about who feels the same way about me.  BUT the quality that really differentiates them from an Acquaintance is the permission that a Friend has to possibly or maybe even intentionally, hurt my feelings because the agreement is that they *will*, above all else,
save my Ass before they will save my face.

I made a YouTube video on my YouTube channel *ThaiMikes” about how I’ve really embraced having an “Accountability Partner” or “Sponsor” or “Mentor” or “Friend”… or… whatever label you feel comfortable with that will be THE person that is a huge reason for your success at Staying Motivated:

I wanted to share this idea in both written (blog) as well as video (Vlog?) form as I am starting to think that one complements the other.

Naturally, I hope it adds value and makes you think and/or identify THE one (or seven..??) people in your life that you could easily enlist in your wild success. Especially if/when you feel a lack of motivation.  Its a lot like the scenario I hear people describing about working out at a gym.  “I meet [him/her] at the gym every morning at 5:00am… it gotta tell yah, if it weren’t for them an me promising them I’d show up I’d probably just sleep in…”

Now, go out and Live the Dream… if you’re not, you’re doing it Wrong!

To your Success!


(chest bump) Katy’s Cafe, Imperial Beach, CA

IBI think it’s important to share Good news, IN FACT I believe it is 10 times more important to share good news versus bad.  I’ve heard a bunch of guy’s who’s Blogs and VLogs I follow recently state that “Bad News Sells!”.   They too agree that Good News is kind of news that needs focus.  One specific version of this was “I stopped watching the news as its all negative… you know CNN?, the Constant Negative News network…”

Indeed… sigh.

SO, here’s your little hug of GOOD NEWS:
I have been coming to katyscafe_04Katy’s Cafe in Imperial Beach, CA for over a year and on a scale of 1 to Mikes it definitely deserves a High Five, a big hug… and a (chest bump).  BooYah.  Kahblamovich!  Yeh… its THAT cool.

I bet that when Howard Schultz walked into a place this cool, while at the same time warm (…you know what i’m saying), intimate, homey (homie?), community engaging, minimally iconic, welcoming, happy and respected, he thought, “I Gotta do THIS!”  I bet places like Katy’s were what he envisioned Starbucks would be like.  Spoiler alert, it’s not.  I literally drive past 3 Starbucks to come down to Katy’s.  Their Vietnamese Latte is my favorite.

Don’t get me wrong, I like Starbucks.  I’d probably like it a Hell of a LOT more if I have bought their stock 20 years ago… and held on to it. No regrets though.

When I was here last weekend, it was Katy’s birthday.  I asked her for a Katy’s Cafe Postcard letting her know I’d be sending it to Mum.  She smiled.  Today, I was able to report that I got an email from Mum thanking me for the post card and to wish Katy happy birthday.

Katys_contact_logoBLAM. Good News.

So, if you are ever wanting a great cup of coffee, awesome home made sandwiches, EPIC cinnamon rolls, and an atmosphere that makes you feel like you are hanging out at your family’s summer house for a great breakfast (any time of day) then cruise over to Katy’s Cafe in IB:

Its at 704 Seacoast Drive Imperial Beach California 91932 and you just follow Palm Ave all the way West from where ever you happen to get on Palm Ave (i.e. I-5 or maybe if you are coming down the silver strand from Coronado).  Take a left when you get to the end and park right there on your right.  She’s got free WiFi which as you know, makes the couches That Much More Comfortable.

I know you will Enjoy it. Its all part of my plan for a full-scale, global  LiveMyAssOff.

Now, go Live the Dream! Cuz if you’re not Living the Dream, you’re doing it wrong.
(chest bump)


feeling INsecure? …BE proactive!

If you read blogs then I am going to assume you are hardly “under a rock” and thus the term Identity Theft is (sadly) not new to you.

idtheftAdditionally, unless you are totally delusional, I am also going to assume you are aware that there is at least One person or system (more likely) or database that has some form of your identity that you did NOT give them (e.g. your birthday, full name, address… maybe the last 4 of your SSN… maybe your full SSN…)

The point to this post, and a theme that I believe is necessary to Live My (your?) Ass Off, is:
Be Proactive.

I realized (after my identity was stolen in early May of 2015) that I *thought* I was being proactive.  Until I started getting numerous emails about weird charges on a credit card.  A hallway conversation with a buddy where he just mentioned, “yeh… bummer, maybe you should check your credit [rating/score] with that free credit report thing…” prompted me to do just that.  I first contacted the credit cards in question and reported fraudulent charges.  The cancelled the cards, and got new ones (with new account numbers) issued.  Additionally at this time most companies were switching to the “chip” cards.

So, I thought, OK, the cards that were compromised seem to be the ones that don’t have the chip… Coincidence?  Yeh, maybe but it was a simple pattern to label to three cards that were compromised.

THEN, about a day later some jackass bought $600 worth of paint from some paint store in northern California.  Fine… called AMEX, charges reversed, new card issued. Done.

Hummm… what’s the pattern now?  AH HAH!, I’ve got it.. these are all cards that I’ve used at a Home Depot in the last year or so..!!!  Whatev.  Ok that explains it.

As part of my “checking my credit reports” they made it quite easy for me to agree to pay them $19.99.year for some monitoring and notification service.  Fine.

About 24 hours later. Blam! Notification.  A credit card had been opened in my name for a gas card.  Sigh.  At the time I was on my way to meet friends in Las Vegas for a convention.

Two things to note:  1) Dealing with credit card companies and Fraud prevention services means spending time on the phone.  2) There is no place in Vegas that is quiet enough to be on the phone to take care of business like this EXCEPT in your hotel room.
Since I did not go to Vegas to spend time in my hotel room, I cut the trip short and headed home to deal with this.

I wanted to share this link to a great post my friend Colette shared with me from the NY times.

On this page you’ll note that if you click on the buttons for specific credit card companies or businesses (e.g. Home Depot) the left hand side of the page will highlight the type data that was stolen.  Click on HOME DEPOT and EBAY and viola:

AddressBirthday, Credit or debit card, Email, Employment historyPassword (encrypted), and Phone number…

Click on “..applied for a job with the Federal Government..” and WHAMMY, add Social Security Number to the list.  Ugh…

So, because ID theft is so common, sadly, I didn’t have to tell but 2 buddies and one said,
“Oh yeh, that happened to me… it sucks.. do {this}…”

The {this} for me was:
1) put a Fraud Alert on your accounts with all three credit bureaus.  (lasts 90 days then you have to re-do)*
2) put a Credit Freeze on all your accounts with the three credit bureaus (this costs $10/agency and lasts 7 years).  This is pretty thorough and not ever YOU can open up a new credit account… unless you remove the Freeze before hand.

* you can also subscribe to a Fraud Prevention type service and they will renew that for you… like every 89 days… and I would submit this should be your Minimum level of proactive credit protection.  If you need to open up a credit line (e.g. buy a car) the credit inquiry will be halted and the fraud prevention service will contact you (e.g. call your cell phone) to verify that you authorize this.  if you agree then within a minute or two, you’ve got your approved credit.

3) There are actually FOUR credit reporting agencies.. Yep!  INNOVIS is another one.  They are around to provide mailing lists for those “you’ve been pre-approved” offers.  Contacted them too and put a credit Freeze on that account.

4) Speaking of “pre-approval offers”.  Here’s how you opt out of those: and it lasts for about 5 years.

So… NOW, I guess I feel like I’m being proactive.  There are NO negative NOR (probably more importantly) unknown items in any of my credit reports.  I have excessive monitoring and reporting on all of my credit files as well as a service that continuously scans “the Internet” to make sure there is no published information about me that could be used to compromise my identity.  I’ve notified my local police department and the opened case is very close to finding the bozo that used one of my cards to charge $44 on a UBER ride in San Francisco…. SPOILER ALERT you moron: UBER drivers have cameras in their cars… (rolls eyes)

I’ll keep you updated but the NY Times article that was sent to me prompted me to want to share with ID Theft / Cyber Security story and hopefully a fairly simple, step by step solution to proactively preventing any credit card fraud or ID theft from spiraling out of your control.\

Finally I wanted to make sure I share another GREAT resource for ID theft victims:
The ID Theft Resource Center
.  It was started by a good friend here in San Diego and offers a TON of free advice; not just in the form of a PDF document but also humans who answer phones or Live Chat to help you through the sometimes frustrating phone tree credit card companies can often force you to wade through before getting to a solution.  They provide Many tips with one simple one being always make sure you are talking with the RIGHT PERSON… seem simple but I can tell you, leading off the conversation with a customer service rep by saying, “I need to speak with your fraud investigator / fraud investigation department” can save you from wasting a TON of time talking to someone who is not qualified to help you.

Hope this helps!

Now, go Live the Dream!  Remember, if you’re not Living the Dream, you’re doing it Wrong!  Being proactive about protecting your Identity and Credit… that’s Dream Living!


Mai Pen Rai… #serenityPrayer?

Of the 12 or so words/phrases I know how to say in Thai, Mai Pen Rai is a great one.  Loosely translated into colloquial US english I suppose it could be the equivalent of our “whatever”… the more proper translation I seem to here is “whatever will be, will be”… Pretty Buddhist, eh?

Here’s a cool site and description of some other Thai phrases and a bit more discussion on Mai Pen Rai

I went for a walk this morning at a beach south of where I live in San Diego: Imperial Beach and I started really appreciating the simple content that is available when I (maybe you too) are in acceptance of “whatever will be”.  Its comforting.  Powerful almost.

As with most posts, I try to share some of my experience, strength and hope so just wanted to do a quick check in after my walk.  I’m posting and uploading from Katy’s Cafe in Imperial beach.  I love this place.  I *highly* recommend the Vietnamese Latte.  When you come, tell Katy, Mickey says, “Aloha” 🙂

Welcome to Saturday morning.  stay tuned…

Live the Dream!  cuz if you’re not Living the Dream, you’re doing it wrong.


The “next Five years”

Greetings… its 5:14 PST.

Living the Dream at my mini maui mansion

Living the Dream at my mini maui mansion

One of the things you learn about me if you don’t know already is that my OCD shows up in my obsession with numbers. SO. I set my alarm clock to a time whereby the minutes add up to the hour.  For example, if I needed it get up at 6am-ish, I’d set the alarm for 6:06 or 6:15 or 6:24…  you get it…  WHICH brings us to 5:14am.

Good morning from Coronado California and my little slice of heaven.

I’ve been on this kick lately about “the next 5 years“… and I’m curious what your thoughts are on YOUR “next five years”  ..:: Please Reply/Post Below ::..

I’m putting the “next five years” in quotes because your responses can be your plans, dreams, goals, etc for whatever time frame you’re thinking about. (e.g. the next 3 years, 9 months, 4 years.. whatever…)

This started in late June (2015) while I was at a convention in Atlanta… This convention happens… you guessed it… every five years.  I thought to myself:

  • “I was at this conference 5 years ago when it was in San Antonio… I’ll be at the next conference in 2020 when it’s in Detroit.  What have I done in the last 5 years ?  and what am I going to DO in the next 5 years that will be significant??  what should I do in the next 5 years to Add Value to people’s lives?

Right now, I’m thinking that in the next FIVE YEARS, almost the whole world will be connected to the Internet and because of that, the countries that are not currently connected (e.g. Cambodia) are ripe for growth opportunities.

My trip to the Philippines over December and January may involve a trip over to Cambodia BUT the recent announcement I came across about how Cambodia is getting their first undersea fiber connection… and how this will connect Cambodia with up to 30Tbps (30,000 Gbps) of bandwidth is Very exciting.  Not Too Shabby!!!!