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After a LOT of paperwork,, interviews, second interviews, 6 train rides, taxis, motorbike trikes, walking, and WAITING In Line all over the place, Gracie has a 6 month, Multiple Entry Tourist Visa for Mexico!!!!
This is so awesome and a REAL SUCCESS as it allows her to visit VERY near where I live. Additionally, as you may have seen in previous videos, I discovered that San Jose del Cabo is also a GREAT place to hang out.
Next Step: Schengen Visa and then ideally US Tourist Visa. The latter, I’m discovering, is not a simple task. The “proof” that you will return to your home country seems to be quite subjective.
Proving that you own land in your home country is apparently one of the reasons you will return. By contrast, I sold my house years ago – BEST thing I ever did. I now rent. Does this mean I might not return from other countries to live in the US? Not really.
Believe ME, I am not saying that there shouldn’t be boundaries and clarifying documented proof that you will absolutely not leach off the social welfare system that is excessive in the US.
Other countries don’t have this issue because they have systems in place that do not allow for that behavior. I FULLY appreciate the fact that to obtain a Schengen Visa you have to obtain Medical Insurance for the duration of your stay. That is Awesome! I actually wish tourists to the US had to prove that.
…so, This and a few other topics are part of this check-in from one of my favorite places in the world: World’s End in Hingham, Massachusetts.
Hope you enjoy.
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